Dev8 ing

CRank: 5Score: 10100

It seems that the most recent game you have earned trophies in has been moved to the bottom of your trophy list.

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you using the xbox for? Netflix? It has no games so that must be it.

5225d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh look it's bungie he's all butt hurt now. He is the worst offender.

5225d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mine's working now.

This was a hardware bug. So XBL still reigns supreme over PSN for down time.

5225d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

It should happen for everyone simultaneously if these postulations are correct.

5225d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PSN is still up and hasn't gone down. It is the older consoles.

5225d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where were the amazing 360 testers for Gears 2?

5225d ago 27 agree4 disagreeView comment

.... Or the fact that you can't move your 360 or have the subwoofer turned up so that your disks don't get scratched.

Totally agree with you mrv PC FTW. The most reliable platform with the most games and best graphics.

5225d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least he is agreeing with himself. When he starts to disagree with the things he just said then it might be time he sought some help.

5225d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least IGN weren't as stupid this time giving it a 2/10 terrible rating.

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinda makes you wish the PS3 was more like the 360 right now doesn't it? By that I mean the 360 has no games to play so people wouldn't be dying to play them if the network went down. But having Heavy Rain and MAG sitting there not being able to play them kinda sucks. Oh well good thing there is the PC.

5225d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can see them giving this game an 8 for how amazing it is. Only crap games get 10s from them.

5225d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It hasn't been an RPG beast. The RPGs don't do nearly as well as the shooters, even forza hasn't been able to do better than the shooters. The fact is that shooters will always be the most popular type of game on the 360 and Natal is not catering to that audience.

5225d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Articles like this will have zero impact on Natal. When you consider the hype machine that is MS marketing this article will be but a drop in an ocean of hype. The people who will be buying this won't be the ones frequenting this site. Natal is for casuals and most people on N4G are hard core gamers.

5225d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Most of the points made seem to be well though out. The article isn't horribly written like most on this site. If you disagree with the points why not try and refute the article instead of proclaiming it flame bate.

5225d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here is a link to the British Amazon sales chart. Clearly you can see FFXIII on Ps3 is at number 10 while the 360 version is at 16. Now one claim would be that most 360 user don't buy games at amazon. I refute this by asking you to look lower down to the shooters section. As one would expect the 360 versions of modern warfare 2 and BFBC2 are outselling their PS3 counter parts. One particularly interesting fact is the number one game being Heavy Rain.


That's not true. It has games they just suck relatively speaking. Relative to what you ask. Every other platform out there. Even Nintendo has a better line up this year. Mario and Metroid will kick the pants off of Reach and what ever weak other release you're into of theirs (see crackdown 2, fable 3 or Alone in the dark 2).

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually one of the worst things about the 360 for me is the huge external power supply. It is ugly as Fvck. And even with an external power supply the piece of sh!t still manages to over heat.

5225d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment